Hermiona University
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IB Extended Essay summer writing seminar
If you are an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program student entering your final year, chances are high that the Extended Essay is at the top of your mind right now! If this sounds familiar, this online summer seminar is for you.
Are you feeling well prepared to dig into your topic and excited to share your progress throughout the summer? Or are you experiencing anxiety about what is expected of you during this period without close supervision from your EE supervisor? In either case, Hermiona’s research and writing mentors are here to complement the guidance you receive from your school or to provide needed guidance during a period when teachers may not be available.
The IB EE summer writing seminar serves three main purposes. First, our teachers guide students in “scaffolding” activities to help break down the research and writing process in a way that optimizes the quality of student work, from the introduction to the bibliography. Second, the course provides a time management structure to help students pace themselves appropriately while minimizing anxiety and thoughts like, “is this what I should be doing right now?? I bet everybody else is already finished!!” Third and finally, the seminar offers a supportive environment of constructive feedback not only from experienced researchers and writing mentors, but also peer review by fellow students - with direct positive impacts not only on students’ confidence and emotional wellbeing, but also their final written product.
Age group:
Language of instruction:
Form of education:

Skills learned:
By the end of the seminar, students will have a polished introduction and full rough draft of the paper as well as a detailed outline and draft bibliography.
6x 90-minute meetings + written feedback throughout the summer.
A minimum of 4 students and cap at 10.
July 1 - August 9;
$1,900 (10% discount if reserved by June 15) for a group of 4-5 students; $1,400 for a group of 6-10 students.
Available days:
Applications are being collected for September - December