Andrey Boyko
Age: 15 years old
Grade: 10
Location before the war: Kharkiv
Current location: Georgia
Before the beginning of the war, Andrey lived in Kharkov - the educational capital of Ukraine. Because of war his family was forced to leave their home and move to Georgia. Andrey loves animals, especially cats, is fond of computer games and enjoys eating Georgian national food - khinkali. He joined the Sunflower 101 initiative to improve his speaking skills, have the opportunity to practice communicating with peers, and improve his sentence building skills. Andrey says the following about our classes:
“I like lessons with Leora Eisenberg. At the start of each lesson, she asks how we are doing and then we start a conversation about something. She always has a plan for each lesson. When we answer her questions, she writes our answers in her notepad. She is a very positive person and always glad to help. We talked about music, art, famous pictures and idioms. These lessons helped me to speak English more fluently.”