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What: Personalized guidance on your education prospects in the US


When: By appointment


Where: In a convenient online format

How: Fill out the questionnaire below in as much detail as possible so that we have information about the student and his/her current situation and can conduct a high-quality consultation


Our assistance to Ukrainian students within Sunflower Navigation includes:

  • Assessment of his/her current academic level;

  • Selection of academically appropriate schools or universities for admission, if there is a need to leave the country;

  • Providing a consultation (45 minutes) to answer questions about education in the US and help navigate the current situation.


​Our highly qualified specialists are always open to answering questions  and ready to help.

Yelena Kadeykina

Yelena Kadeykina is a Cambridge-based technology entrepreneur, MIT graduate, and internationally sought-out expert on the U.S. educational landscape. She has run multiple successful projects facilitating the worldwide exchange of knowledge and development of professional networks and has participated as a speaker and moderator at a number of conferences, including the World Cities Summit, Open Innovation Forum, Global Entrepreneurial Congress, and others. Outside of work, Yelena enjoys hiking, traveling, photography, and cooking.


Julia Barr

Julia Barr graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and received her Ph.D with distinction from the University of Chicago.    She is currently working towards an M.S. in the field of mental health counseling.  Julia has deep expertise in the American higher education landscape from her  extensive experience in a variety of roles across a diverse set of institutions. Outside of work, Julia enjoys camping with her family, learning about natural history, and doing arts and crafts with her preschooler.

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